Saturday, January 8, 2011

I think people are intrinsically selfish and self-motivated and we hide behind right and wrong...... we use it to justify our actions, or take actions to try to prove ourselves right to avoid judgment.

I don't know that there is any ultimate right or wrong... I don't know that there is any ultimate anything... I do know that i want to live in a world in which all children are safe and fed and grow up surrounded by love and acceptance.. i want to live in a  world in which everyone is free to be, and everyone pays attention to whether or not they are hitting their neighbours when they swing their arms freely, and chooses to avoid hitting their neighbours be it accidentally or otherwise... a world in which beauty is chosen over harm, love is chosen over hate, forgiveness is chosen over anger and grudges and judgment... and i want this to come from place of actual authentic caring rather than a sense of good or bad, right or wrong, what will get me closer to entrance into some kind of heavenly afterlife.

What if we didn't have the excuse of "it was the right thing to do" or "it's what god wants, the holy book says, my church tells" to fall back on.. what if we only ever had our own selves and our own motives to hold accountable... what if national leaders were honest about what wars were motivated by... what if I help someone carry their groceries not because i want to feel good about myself for doing the right thing, but because I want to live in a world in which people help each other so am doing the best i can to help create that world...

Namaste and Blessings.


  1. Nice post. I think one of the problems is that people continually turn to outside sources to tell them what is "right" or "wrong". When in reality, if we listen to ourselves most times, we know what the best course of action really is. Of course, that often means doing things that are difficult. But when we follow our hearts, no justification is required.

  2. I have a far-right distant cousin who's an Ayn Rand devotee but also quotes the Bible. Personally, I think trying to reconcile the two is probably the worst kind of hypocrisy because Rand preaches selfishness while the Bible seems to be used as a rationalization that this kind of thinking is what the "good" people do.
