It's not that I don't feel like one,
didn't want to be one.
In fact I was one, in my head
my perceptions
Still am
It's that they don't see me
as one of them
They see me as different
foreign and unwelcome
Always they've known
What I couldn't see
that I didn't belong
with them
in their clubs and groups
and secret societies
The only time
I ever passed
Was when I took the rite
given only to those
born female
and bore a child
for a brief glorious time
I was accepted
I passed when the babe
was attached to my breast
While changing diapers
and pushing a stroller
I was seen as woman
while my belly was big
and I waddled while I
walked, with the little head
bouncing on my bladder
But the babe grew big
and became a child
I no longer pushed a stroller
or changed diapers
My unsuckled breasts became
again a nuisance
that I wished gone
And I ceased to pass as woman.
Now I sit here on the bus
in leather jacket and jeans
And I begin to understand
what they have known all along
I am woman
in part
but only in part
I will never be happy
to live only in that world
I am fluid
gender fluid
and flow through expression
and interpretation
I understand that I
cannot pass
because I am not there
To be woman is not my home
Just a place I visit
It is my hometown
but no longer where I live
And my heart grieves
for the doors
to the rooms
that are closed and locked
rooms I had thought I would
someday wander
perhaps occupy
But I am not woman,
not all the time
And some rooms
are reserved
for those who are
woman all the time.
So I grieve
and I mourn
and I rant and I rage
And make damn sure it is known
That while I am not
always woman
Neither am I man
I am other
Fey, Witch, Amazon, Gender Queer
Use the words that fit
Whatever rolls off your tongue
Maybe that way
you can touch on a slight bit
of the wonder
That is me.