I hate Christianity. I especially hate Catholicism. If I lived in an Islam country I'd probably hate Islam. But I don't so that's neither here nor there.
It's not Jesus I hate, nor is it what he taught, nor even the core values of the religion. It's the hate it spreads, the venom it injects into innocent lives. It's the damage done, the lies told, the families destroyed.
I hate Christianity with the desperation of a raped woman. With the desperation of a woman who has watched her sisters be raped and beaten, souls shredded in the name of God. What God? The God who so loved the Earth that he gave his only begotten son? I doubt it. Perhaps the god who led humankind to murder Jesus for speaking out against classism and sexism. That god I spurn. That god is at the head of the Catholic church. That god guides the hands and mouths of many Christian leaders. That god is evil, that god is hate. That god led to burning people alive. That god leads humans to rape the Earth. That god teaches families to hate one another. The church that god leads teaches families to hate one another. That church talks about God's love on one side while vomiting hate from the other. That church is hypocrisy.
I have friends who are Christian. I was raised Christian. I try to be nice. I try to understand... it wasn't the message, it's not about Jesus, blah blah blah. The fact is that there are Christians everywhere preaching hate. There are Christians preaching murder. So why am I trying to be nice?
I've been indoctrinated. Brainwashed to be nice. That's how good Christian girls are. Nevermind that I walked away from Christianity over 20 years ago. It's still in there. The training goes deep. So deep that there is gratitude towards the few churches who will accept us. Gratitude for a couple of places that allow us to be who we are. Well fuck the gratitude. I'm not grateful. And I have no respect for these places of worship, for these holy leaders. They are hypocrites. Until they break their silence. Until they speak out. Until they publicly denounce the churches of hate who share their religion. Until they offer formal letters of apology for all of the hate spread in their name. For the murders done in their name. For the families destroyed in their name.
Blessed Be.